施者有福  善举传递

17-11-03 ,手里拿著一张自制手写的广告牌,仔细一看上面写著“需要一些帮助,会把善举传递出去”(Need a little help. Will pay it forward),当时天气寒冷,流浪汉身上只穿著单薄的脏...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 disasters. His father was known far and wide as a person who did kind deeds. Such a family will be blessed....

Comfort and Complacency are Worse than Poisoned Wine

17-11-03 this lifetime. If I am too comfortable and become complacent, I am afraid that I will not be able to...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 , adding, “When I say ‘maybe,’ I know exactly what I’m talking about.”While China has long been North Korea...

华尔街今年的利润 会超过2016年

17-11-02 万人,仍低于2007年经济衰退前的水平。该行业在该市的私营部门就业人数不足百分之五,但占私营部门工资总额的五分之一。迪纳波利i预测,该行业的员工奖金“可能高于去年”,因为企业为奖金的拨款比2016年多了...

Literature Anecdotes: Mi Yuanzhang Spirit   文苑逸事:米元章显灵

17-10-27 his room and chided him, “I am Mi Yuanzhang! You studied my paintings and acquired a very superficial...

Culture and Spirit During the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (part3)盛唐文化与盛唐精神 (下)

17-10-27 cultural exchange between Japan and China.The Tang culture has glorious achievements that will shine...

Stepmother and Stepdaughter's Loyalty to Each Other  继母继女互相爱护 感动官府

17-10-27 either of you to death, even if I will be punished by doing so.”After the inquiry, they found that it was...

How Kindness Transformed a Thief    宽容仁善 感化盗贼

17-10-27 life. Now I have decided to be a new person. Since you have pardoned me, could you please not let Mr....

粗犷实用的多功能越野车 2017

17-10-20 airbag—ensure that you and your passengers will stay secure.ACTIVE SAFETY AND SECURITYDriver assist...

Pope Francis Removes Anti-Communist Archbishop from Key Vatican Post

17-10-20 relations between the Vatican and the Chinese regime, which has always rejected the Pope’s authority to...

Reincarnated into a Horse to Settle a Debt

17-10-20 expensive type of gift on a first meeting. Of course, the girl was very pleased and always wore them. After...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 pro-unification.“The government will not tolerate such manipulation and the infiltration of Taiwan’s democratic...

Birth and Death Are Determined by Fate;  Fortune and Prestige Are Arranged in Heaven

17-10-15 timing in which each event will occur is prearranged.When Empress Dowager Wu Zetian (625 – 705 AD) took...


17-10-13 Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, lets you automatically disengage the front sway bar when driving under 18 mph...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 had always been diligent and had lofty goals. Thus, he was not only the pioneer of the golden age of...


17-10-06 的掌声欢迎。9月28日,美国众议院多数党党鞭斯卡利斯在个人推特上发文称:“我回来了。”(I’m back.)《华盛顿邮报》9月28日报导,6月14日在维吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚一个棒球场遭枪击15个星期后...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 investment always does, and after a while and enough investment, more competitive U.S. products would lead to...

Falun Gong Becomes an Honors Course at American University

17-10-06 sharing paper. Dr. Xie elaborates, “We are about to begin studying the third lecture in Zhuan Falun and I...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 thoroughly understand the profound meanings of what I have heard and hope you can guide me." Sima Jizhu...


17-10-03 Academy, Hudson CountyHoboken小学305天主教学校 - Archdiocese of Newark7Academy I Middle School, Hudson...

The China Bitcoin Ban Explained

17-09-29 Trading on exchanges will shut down, but bitcoin ownership and mining will remain legalOne thing is...

Buddhahood is Unachievable with Human Desires

17-09-29 ;The person who has deep knowledge of the book should be here soon to explain it to you, so please...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-29 ministers ought to report to me those who are not faithfully performing their duties. I will investigate...

Gao Yao's Nine Virtues

17-09-29 of Teng," part I). According to history books, Gao Yao was in charge of the judicial system in...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 stopping at 14 theaters in Asia before beginning a North America tour culminating in Washington. It will...


17-09-22 ,主要揭示了两个重要的概念,一为X7大型豪华SUV的雏形,另一则为将BMW i品牌油电或纯电技术沿用至一般车系的iPerformance车款。先前BMW即已透露X7系列将在2018年推出,此番透过这辆概念车...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22 teach him the secret skill. Now I will let you keep this secret recipe." The alchemist sealed, in...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 as saying "I simplified the scene a great deal and made the restaurant bigger. Unconsciously...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 sentencing will be held in future date.Lee’s wife Lee Ching-yu who was allowed to travel to China and attend...

Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 , and said, "You are truly an honored person. May I ask what you wish to know?" Li Fan smiled...


17-09-17 规定,小学和初中仍以英语、数学考试成绩为考核指标。高中则以毕业率为考核指标。而获联邦第一章(Title I)拨款的学校(通常为低收入区域的学校、高中),如果6年的毕业率低于67%,将被认定为是...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 since January to explain what took place, but continue to be told “there will be a final report.”Jim...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 water to wash your knee, and you will be healed." The next day, Wuda Kokushi went to the spring...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 , I don't see why you couldn't." From then on Wu Qianjin changed and started serving...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 pressures, and I understand. And you know, don’t forget, China, over the many years, has been at war with...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 asked Emperor Renzong, "What would you do if there was no food in your palace for even half a day...


17-09-08 的某年中您欠额外税金、有退税抵销,或是受到追讨。国税局纪录显示您从未为其工作过的雇主处收到工资或其他收入。受害人要采取的步骤(Steps to take if you become a victim...

莫文蔚《I Do》 七夕首映

17-09-03 莫文蔚睽违三年,最新单曲《I Do》日前播出,甜蜜轻柔的嗓音传递幸福能量。她28日七夕情人节出席《I Do》北京清华分享会,扮起“莫老师”与数千名大学生畅谈爱情观。一听到学生提出麻辣的爱情...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 the public," and that “If he couldn’t be a good official then he will be a good doctor instead....